The European Confederation of Industrial and Service Cooperatives (CECOP aisbl) brings together national federations of cooperatives, and organisations that promote cooperatives. These members represent 25 organisations in 16 European countries. CECOP gives voice to 40,000 enterprises, employing 1.3 million workers. Additionally, CECOP also represents worker cooperatives, which are democratically managed and owned by the workers, who share risks and responsibilities, and cooperatives of non-standard workers (self-employed, freelancers, including platform cooperatives).
Centro Servizi Aziendali Coesi Società Cooperativa Impresa Sociale (CSA COESI) (IT) is a service centre for the cooperative and non-profit world, established in 2008 for Confcooperative Bergamo which is a territorial structure of the Confederation of Italian Cooperatives that represents over 286 cooperatives. CSA COESI works collaboratively with social economy organizations to solve and face strategic challenges and build capability within the organization, with the final aim to empower organizations to be more sustainable and impactful. Main services include Accountancy & Human resources management, Training & Development, Strategic analysis and support, Subsidized financing schemes, Project design and funding.
Demetra Formazione (IT) is the reference training company of Legacoop Emilia Romagna. It offers
services for work and training to companies and individuals, investing in growth, innovation processes
and improving skills. DEMETRA FORMAZIONE is accredited to the Emilia Romagna Region as VET
centre, operating through 9 offices, distributed throughout the region. Demetra has a staff composed by
35 professionals following all aspects of training processes. The majority of them operates in tutoring
training courses and offering personalized training. A team of 8 professionals works on training design.
Foundation for Social and Economic Initiatives - FISE (PL), set up in 1990, is one of the biggest and
oldest NGOs in Poland devoted to social economy topics. It is considered an important actor both
nationally and transnationally. FISE is an umbrella organization which means that it supports other
NGOs and social economy entities through training, counselling and grant provision. Since 2009 FISE
has been running a social economy incubator to help to set up and develop social enterprises.
Kooperationen (DK) is the Danish Cooperative Employers’ Organisation with a network of 137 member
companies and 14.000 employees. Established in 1922, Kooperationen provides professional legal
advice and counselling. As the apex organization for Danish co-operatives, we promote the co-operative alternative across many sectors of the economy. Our members represent a wide range of business fields such as the banking and industry sector to craftsman and construction businesses, conference centres and museums. We offer high quality professional legal and governance advice and guidance to new co-operative start-ups as well as to established co-operatives. Kooperationen plays an active part inthe International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and Cooperatives Europe.
Legacoop Emilia-Romagna (IT) is an association representing co-operatives. It represents, on the territory of the Italian region Emilia-Romagna, the cooperatives which are members of the National Legacoop, the oldest and leading association for the protection and representation of cooperatives in Italy. The consolidated size of the Legacoop Emilia-Romagna cooperative ecosystem covers over 2,000companies, representing 3 million members, 187,871 employees and a turnover of € 56.6 billion.
The European Network of Cities and Regions for the Social Economy (REVES aisbl) is the only European organisation based on partnership between local/regional authorities and local/regional social economy organisations. REVES carries out activities aimed at developing social economy models, for a sustainable, fair and participatory European society. One of the core instruments used by REVES for the pursuit of this objective is the organization of peer-learning and exchange activities. REVES has members from 14 EU Member States and actively cooperates with the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee. REVES is a founding member of Social Economy Europe. In recent years, REVES participated or co-led operations in the framework of the COSME programme and in the framework of the Global Action for Social Economy by OECD.